Thursday, February 17, 2011

No Spend Month

I have myself a goal - no spending outside of necessity for the next four weeks.

There are exceptions such as a $2 a week allowance for the kids "treat shop" and possibly another $3 a fortnight for the ever sought after bag of chippies they clamour for (I know I'm a pushover) but gone is the frivolous op shop spending (quick folks all the bargains awaiting me are now yours for the taking!).  I also have to buy a couple of things for Zoe's birthday but only shoes and the main present (which will not be expensive).

My reasoning behind this is Blythe!  Who? Blythe, the doll.  Well not the actual Blythe.  Apparently these are inferior copies that real collectors turn their noses up at.  I, have fallen in love.  I can home from my late shift on Friday night (see Saturday morning really but you get the picture), relaxed for a bit and then dozed in bed with late night TV.  Zoe came in at about 2.30am to show me a belated Christmas present she'd gotten from her Auntie Ann.  She hadn't even unwrapped it but was waiting for me to come home - sweet child.  A Littlest Pet Shop set with Blythe and a bear.  It was really cute from behind sleep glazed eyes.  Not so cute when at 6.30 Zoe decided she had to have it out of it's box and proceeded to wake Logan up with her constant pleading of me to help her get it out of the box.  Later that morning I had a look and I LOVE it.

I can't explain it - I had the same reaction to certain My Scene dolls - not all, and to be honest when I Googled this set the one Zoe has is the one I most like - the others I'm not all that fussed on.  But now I WANT one! (Yes I do have half a dozen My Scene dolls myself - and outfits *sheepish grin*).  BUT I can't just go out and get one now can I.  No I have to earn it.  Ok, no spur of the moment buying for a week, no two.  Well hang on, let's make this worthwhile - let's make it a whole month.  I had my last V today, my last chocolate bar - bring on the water, bring on the healthy homemade snacks and food.  Bring it on I say.

The kids too - they are not being "punished" by this goal but really being brought back down to earth.  Zoe contantly harps on about "going to the shops" and even a visit to the Op Shop involves outlaying money we really don't need to spend (let alone can really afford). 

They got a last ditch treat themselves.  We stopped in at the local pet shop - an occasional treat outing when we're getting plants or veges.  I couldn't resist - we've been meaning to for a while and these fish were only $3.72 compared with their $15 cousins, and all because they weren't quite "right".  Odd looking fins - that sort of thing.  We picked out two we could distinguish from each other and $17 later (we bought food too) Pirate and Princess joined our family.  I retrieved the fish bowl from upstairs and their water is decidedly dusty and murky (kicking myself because I was in too much of a hurry to rinse the stones before filling the bowl - I've already changed the water once).  After dinner we are going to walk to the pond to get oxygen weed - hopefully that will help.  I've also popped a broken china cup in as a hiding place for them (I sold the other four cups and saucers on Trade Me - hope the fish appreciate antiques, however broken - I kept it as a souvenir rather than throw it out - I'm way too sentimental.)
Princess - we can tell as she has a detached, narrower fin.

Although you can't see Pirates fin it's more fan like.

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