The day started off well enough - got home from a Kindy drop off to find the missing hen, very obviously broody, hanging around the cage with the red hen (Rosie) inside. Prepared a trap and lured her into the pen - Yay! Both hens in. Now we just have to make sure they stay in for a few days so she forgets about the eggs she's been sitting on.
About twenty minutes ago I hear this banging. Look outside and Logan is lifting the "sleeping/nesting quarter" lid and letting it drop. I growl him a bit and he starts to walk away. Another five minutes and the banging starts up again and there he is doing the same thing only this time Rosie is out and wandering around the paddock. I'm hoping I'll be able to catch her when she try's to roost in the tree tonight as I was unsuccessful in grabbing her in the paddock. There is NO way I'm opening up the cage to lure her in because Miss Broody will rush right on out and back to her eggs. I wouldn't be so annoyed except that today, like every other day, Logan shows no sign of EVER doing what I ask him to do. His favourite word is No! He screams when he doesn't get his own way and he has the gosh darned sweetest look on his angelic face that makes you feel less angry at him and more angry at yourself for feeling less angry at him. This was the third incident today, the first two being slathering daddy's foot cream all over his own legs after being told to put it down and the second being to drown the plants after being told several times to stop watering them!!!!! Add to that the screaming fit when I wouldn't give him the phone when it rang - a business call and you have a morning I'd like to get over fast!
Zoe isn't half as bad. Sure she questions everything you ask her to do and every non-compliant answer you give her (eg "No you can't watch a DVD - we have to be at Kindy in ten minutes" "Oaaaahh! But I want to.") but her screaming fits are generally low key and haven't robbed me of half my hearing. Unfortunately she hasn't learned the art of charm. Whingeing constantly, pouting and sulking don't win me over as easily as a cute smile or a cheeky grin - she really should take a leaf out of her brothers book because then I'd always be angry at myself rather than them!!
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