Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Achieving my weekly goals - Tuesday

Bit of a bitsy day today with only one of the 15 achieved but progress made on achieving the others.

Today I tidied up the lounge and brought out the Christmas tree.  I've been a part of a decoration swap so I'm expecting 8 new ornaments for the tree in the mail soon.  These, along with one each of the two sets I made for the swap and another 14 from our ornament boxes will be put in a bag to dish out each day to Zoe to hang on the tree.  I was planning on making an advent calendar but time just ran out - luckily Grandma had forked out on the old cardboard and milk chocolate ones - one for each of the kids so I'll use those and put my own advent calendar on the "To Do" list - who knows it might just get done in time to pack it up with everything for next year :o)  The tree is bare at the moment - I was waiting to get everyone home to decorate it but apparently 4 wheel driving with Daddy and his mates is far more exciting - never mind we'll try again tomorrow and at least it will be a blast putting the first "advent" oranments on the naked branches.

Ten Minutes of Peace.  Well todays peace was a lot longer than ten minutes although I didn't really take time off.  A good friend turned up at my place on her way out - she was there simply to offer to take Logan off my hands for a bit.  He screamed the car out when he was put in and it was devastating hearing "Mummy, Mummy" even though I knew that he was mostly crying because he was so tired.  My friend called me about ten minutes later and sure enough Logan was fast asleep.  I spent the rest of the day cleaning, tidying and making progress on my weekly goals.  It was very, very peaceful.

One of my goals this week was to get my pc in for repair (I'm currently on Dad's laptop) so short of them picking it up tomorrow I actually achieved this too - afterall I've done all I needed to - it's simply waiting for them now - so Yay I actually completed two today!!!

And a late entry - another goal achieved today was to sort out our chooks.  We're missing one - presumed sitting on a nest somewhere trying to hatch more babies that we do not need.  I did a brief search but came up empty handed.  So we have one lonely Rhode Island Red - one of our originals from around six years ago - plucked from her perch in the feijoa tree and deposited in a little coop nicely filled with clean shavings.  She'll be able to see her buddy in the nursery next door and I'll let her out in a couple of days - it's just to get her to lay in the nesting box.  Eventually we'll just shut her in at night and let her out in the morning after we've fed her.  I'm hoping the other one turns up after she realises the roosters have been away too long for her to lay fertilised eggs!

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