First of all I can't beleive it's still Thursday - only 25 minutes to go though. I sat with the kids to get them to sleep - woke up a little while ago and stressed about some work that I have a deadline for tomorrow - so I got up and did it - and now I'm back in bed with laptop blogging - I LOVE this laptop. Pity it will have to go back to Dad very soon now that my desktop is back working.
Today was very productive but I soooo didn't finish all my planned progress steps towards completing my weekly goals. Mainly because I did some major work on one of them. Okay admitedly it wasn't part of my original 15 but I realised I needed to have an "Open Goal", one that remains undefined or even labeled so that in the course of the week if something comes up I can slot it into my list. Hey, they're my goals I'm making the rules LOL
So this week I'm actually going to do 16 - I looked at throwing one of the originals out to next week (which may happen anyway) but the only one I could think of was such a teensy one it's only going to take me a couple of minutes to finish tomorrow so I may as well do it.
So, onto todays completed goals.
The first one is the Open Goal. Today, after being told of a part time position at a shop on the peninsula, I decided that not ONLY would I apply for that one I'd also approach the supermarkets and big stores in that area, then I expanded this idea to Orewa and when I finally went out I went as far as Albany as well. I printed off six CV's and covering letters for each with five tailored to supermarkets and one to gas stations. I ended up going into nine different shops/supermarkets. Two weren't hiring, five took my cv, one only takes applicants online (which I should really have done before I posted this but I'll do it tomorrow) and the initial job I was going to apply for had already been filled. I was going to say it's sit back and wait time but instead I've started thinking about other places I can throw my cv to. I'm going to set up some general letters ie one for gas stations, one for fast food outlets etc and keep a few of each plus a stash of cvs in my car and just drop in on these places as I see them. I've already identified three more I'd like to approach. I WILL find a part time job!
I'd also like to mention how wonderful Zoe's kindy teachers are. They've been life savers to me, listening to my issues and dying to get Logan on their books. Today I was prepared to take him with me but they wouldn't listen and took him for the day. He LOVED it and was having his nap when I arrived. Apparently his sister looked after him so well and I'm so very proud of her. What kind lovely people they are - I can't wait for Logan to be able to attend a couple of days a week on a permanent basis.
The second goal achieved today was simply booking a doctors appointment - some of these are so small they're actually smaller than the daily progress I make towards the bigger goals. I love it when they work out though - I came out of one supermarket, went to walk to a local chemist to get hayfever tablets for himself and realised there was a new chemist right next door to the supermarket. As I got closer I realised it's part of my doctors new surgery and that I was supposed to be booking an appointment for myself - DONE.
My Ten Minutes of Peace. Being able to walk around a couple of Op Shops without having to keep my eyes glued to "the gang". Then later today feeding the chicks and sitting with Logan and Zoe while they held them (although maybe it's not that peaceful when you're trying to prevent them having a tug of war over one of them!). And even a walk down to fill the horses water trough and a little explore through our "Fairy Forest".
I'm not sure if I've "finalised" this goal as the chooks were only ALL in their houses for a short time before Logan let one of them out but I haven't marked it off my list. Tonight the lovely Rosie came down to hang around the pen while we were feeding Broody Brody (yep the names are falling into place) and Missy and her bunch of nine. I simply opened the front door of the pen and she happily went in - not at all perturbed. Perhaps she realises that it's safer for her to be shut in at night in a nice cosy coop than in a tree by herself. I'm still a bit concerned about Brody running off to sit on her eggs but I may let them both out tomorrow morning - I know Rosie will come back but I just have to trust that Brody will.
Well 8 down and 8 to go - and they're mostly pretty big goals to complete in only three days - two if you count that it's Dad's birthday get together on Sunday (still that's the perfect time to focus on the knitting goal!)
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