Monday, December 6, 2010

Achieving My Weekly Goals - Sunday

So this weeks effort went south!!!!!  Today was a write off - I didn't get the knitting I'd planned done because to be quite frank I wasn't sure if it was rude to pull out knitting at a family get together - probably would have been all right but I wasn't feeling comfortable as it was.  Being a blended family that blended when most of us "kids" were already adults means I don't know my "brothers" very well.  Stories between them over when they were small with the Stepmother narrating kind of left me out of the loop, particularly as Himself didn't turn up until quite late.  The kids gave me a distraction and it was a nice break though.  The pavlova was yummmmyyyyy!

But with my day otherwise occupied I didn't really manage to get a lot done on my remaining goals.  I've made inroads into most of them but I've also decided to rethink what I'm doing.

I came home and wrote a list of all my WIPs and To Dos and dated them with deadlines so that I can focus on what I need to get done.  I've moved My Ten Minutes of Peace to a little slot on it's own and plan to continue to do this every day.  I really must remember to take my camera when I do it because a short of tranquility is always pretty good  - today it would be eating chocolate muffins surrounded by 30 seagulls at the fountains in Orewa - Logan love the water - as does Zoe - I've actually got photos of a previous fountain session there when someone "bubbled" it!  My doctor calls it "feeding the soul".  I think that's what I'm going to refer to it as now.

I didn't get up to date with the KAL and then I stuffed it all up by looking at the photos of Clue 5 (I'm still working on Clue 3).  I like it - and I LOVE the Sorello which is the girls version, but I've decided to put it on hold and make Logan a Milo for Christmas instead.

I really would love to ride my horse soon but I think I'll leave that until after the Christmas rush so that I can focus a bit better without worrying about what I'm NOT doing.

And I've carried over the remaining 4 goals not achieved altering them slightly where needed so that they CAN be achieved in a week.  Then I kick started next week by getting to work on a couple of crafty things and I've tried to allocate a day to work on each item.

Now to stick to it.

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