Monday, December 6, 2010

Achieving my weekly goals - Saturday

Day six and there is NO WAY I'm going to get through the rest of my list by the end of tomorrow.  We've got a family birthday brunch in the morning and I have at least five major goals to complete.  So I'm going to focus on getting at least one of them completed and defer the rest to next weeks list.  Looking at what I've decided to do I'm not so sure they'll get done next week either.

Anyway, more positive things...

My 10 Minutes of Peace.  That would have to be walking through the Silverdale Historic Village and smelling the  roses in their gardens - mmmm yummy.

One Big Goal - my garden.  I've been doing a little during the week and I finally have it finished - well to the point that I wanted to to complete my goal.  I weeded, planted potatoes, spring onion seed, more lettuce seed and more radish seed.  I moved the corn to the end of the garden where they won't interfere with the other plants by casting too much shadow or sucking all the goodness out of the soil.  I re"netted" the garden, split the doubled up courgettes and cucumbers (I still cannot bear to pinch out a plant without replanting it) and cut back the "gone to seed" celery.  With the plants and weeds gone or moved out it's looking very sparse but I'm pleased with the work I've done.

Should have taken this shot from the other end where the herbs are growing like weeds - I've since moved the mint out of direct sunlight!!!!

We're already noshing down on homegrown lettuce and radish

The corn seems to have survived it's transplanting

Without the corn the garden looks sparse - but tidy

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