Monday, December 6, 2010

Thirty Days of Me - Day Twenty-Four

"A Letter To Your Parents"

Which ones - I have a Dad and two stepmums and even though she's no longer with us I can always write to my mum?  Hmmmmm

Dear Dad

The focus in my life has always been mum.  I guess her leaving us made such a big impact that it kind of clouded over the fact that you are still here in my life and now the lives of my kids.  I just wanted to say Dad that you are the only father I'd ever want - I'd never want to replace you.  I'm proud of who you are and feel happy when people say "Oh Bob's your father".  Everybody knows and loves you and I'm happy to hope that even some of your genes were passed on to me.  This is short and sweet because I could go on and on but I hope that you know that I LOVE you Dad.


Happy Birthday Dad (but I really wish you'd give up smoking)

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