LOL - ok....
- A purple teddy bear that Zoe took out with us today.
- Wipes
- A Lab request form from my doctor
- New Citalopram prescription picked up today plus all the info guff that goes with it.
- Zoe's shoes she took off while we were out because they were hurting her feet.
- Supermarket receipt from the shopping we did today.
- A disposable nappy - for emergency's
- Zoe's hat.
- My car keys and a pen
- Loose Spotlight Member Card, My Drivers Licence, An appointment card for my doctors visit this morning which I could not find for love nor money PRIOR to the visit, My Diners fuel card, Himselfs Diners fuel card, My Visa Debit Card and a couple of old receipts.
- My sad looking wallet with all the other cards I use and several old receipts.
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