Monday, December 13, 2010

The Things I Do!!!

Who wants to read every day about my goals - I can see eyes glazing over already.  So I'm changing format in that I'll blog every day about it but publish it only once a week...

1. I finished this bean bag for Logan. 

He and Zoe are always fighting over her bean bag and he quite often falls asleep in hers.  I've had the polar fleece and zips in stash for ages.  The inner was made from an old sheet.  And the beans came from an abandoned bean bag of old - so basically free.  With only a short time until Christmas I've decided to put it away and have it as a present for the wee man - he'll love it

Feeding the Soul...
I think I blogged about this yesterday. I took time out with the kids and ate muffins next to the fountains while the kids danced through the water.

No goals achieved today but I went hard out all morning cleaning the house for the arrival of visitors.  I was then going to work on a knitting goal while they were here - they didn't make it.  I wasn't too disappointed as I was pleased with what I got done and I've realised by the few rows of knitting I managed to do that I wasn't going to get that goal completed in one sitting - never mind.

I did manage to get the car listed on Trade Me but I still have my neighbours things to list and five of my own to cross off that particular goal in full.

Feeding the Soul...
Can I count staring into the water tank as the neighbours hose runs into it?  We ran out of water which probably, for me, cancels out the peace of watching it run in - especially when I also had to warn the kids several thousand times not to walk on the water tank roof!!  We now have water but the pump won't work - possibly burned out from constant pumping with no water.  Himself is in a right mood about it - just another straw to add to the camels back and I get the brunt of his foul mood.

2. I finished the kids Colouring-In Books for their Christmas Stockings.

There are loads of websites with pages to colour.  I simply printed out a tonne of pages specifically for Zoe and Logan.  Then I saved one page each online and coloured it in using Photoshop for the front cover.  And bound them using my spiral binder and some recycled clear covers and card backings.  Thanks Santa the kids will love them and the colouring pencils/crayons they'll receive in their stockings.

Feeding the Soul...
Chatting to the teachers at Kindy about the successes and potential success of the day - a very positive feeling.

3. Add to the garden - capsicums, sunflower seeds and kumi kumi.


We love kumi kumi.  First ate it at a friends parents place in Northland, steamed with a cheese sauce so when I saw it at Plant Barn today I automatically grabbed a couple to put in the garden which is now pretty well stocked out with no space to mention.  The third row of radishes are showing their heads (the first row is gone).  The second row of lettuces also is sprouting fast.  No shows from the spring onions yet and the transplanted corn is not looking as good as it was so it has me worried.  I'm also concerned about the courgettes/zuchinnis  we had flowers on the tiny plants the other day but they've dropped off and rotted.  I'm wondering if watering in the evening is too much for them.

4. Sort covering letters for gas stations, supermarkets, hardware stores and fast food establishments.  Print to store in car.  Print 6 CV's.  Distribute.  Apply to Warehouse online.  Apply for jobs from newspaper, Seek and Trade Me as they come up.

To be honest I shouldn't be finalising this goal but I think I've done plenty to count as achieving it and I have other goals only partially completed that need my focus.  I did everything from above but only managed to distribute one CV - to the Puhoi Cheese Factory.  I did try at Plant Barn but got knocked back without a word - just a shake of the head - maybe I don't want to work somewhere like that.  I've applied for two jobs from the local newspaper, have another to apply for today, two from Seek and the manager at Zoe's kindy is passing my CV on to one of the parents from Kindy (I have a crush on the parents little boy - so cute - about Logans age, just as cuddly but of course I don't have to experience any tantrums LOL).  As I said I've also applied to the Cheese Factory.  And....

I have an interview for one today (Friday)  Can't believe I got an interview so quickly.  They definitely under advertised what it involved.  I'm quite capable of doing it I just have to convince them of that.  I'm not holding my breath but I have to remember they called me for an interview so they must think I'm worth interviewing!

Feeding the Soul...
Ten minutes reading and eathing Puhoi Deluxe Yoghurt away from the kids.  A great way to recharge.

There's a bit of a panic on at the moment with the majority of my list not completed however, like last week I've done a little on most of the items.  I'm going to try tomorrow and Sunday to catch up with some of the things not quite completed.  Today has been difficult in that I had a job interview.  It went well.  Not prepared to say more about it at this stage.
Feeding the Soul...
Ten minutes drinking coffee and cuddling Logan while he drank his milo first thing this morning.  No guilt over not working on anything, no need to get the cuddle over with so I could move onto the next thing, just enjoying a cuddle.

5. The Open Goal - the one I don't allocate until something comes along during the week that I have to do.  Today I finished the large piece of transcription I started yesterday.  It feels great to have it out of the way and good to have had it - any money coming in is helpful these days.

Feeding the Soul...
I don't actually know that I did this today, surprise, surprise!  I did however spend a bit of time watching missed TV shows on the pc while knitting towards completing on of my goals.  I think that counts - I relaxed!

Well I failed sadly this week also but again I put a lot of work in.  I think most of my projects are too big to count as one goal.  Perhaps I need to either cut back on the number I aim for or count the bigger projects as two goals instead of one!

So here's a glimpse of two ongoing projects that have to be completed before Friday...

Feeding the Soul...
Relaxing at a friends place watching my daughter swim in their kiddie pool and my son hang on the outside of it not quite confident enough to go in.

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