Friday, March 4, 2011

First Days

Not officially - just the first of three visits before the real first day but you've got to document these occasions.

A pose worthy of Marilyn herself!

She was SO excited!  We worked out what she was going to wear the night before, made lunch, packed bags and had an early night in preparation.  Logan spent the morning with Daddy which in itself is a nice break for me but it proved to be a little testing on my nerves.  Having attended daycare I should be used to leaving them but the look on her face was just tragic and the teacher not at all like her daycare teachers. That's not to say she isn't in my good books - she just does things differently.  Zoe's the type that does well with a cuddle and a few soothing words - the teacher operates on standing back and letting them get on with it.

And Zoe - well first of all she wouldn't speak, plugging her mouth with her fist.  Considering she was sitting out in front of the class like an exhibition and the class is ENTIRELY boys I kind of got the reluctance to perform.  Then I was told to scoot by the teacher who thought Zoe would be a whole lot better if I wasn't there. I visited the office and when I was leaving I sneaked a peek at how she was progressing - she wasn't.  Her face was red and she was trying to hold back the tears.  She later told me it was because I hadn't come back from the office and said goodbye so we agreed that in future I would say good bye as long as she didn't cling to me.

At least it hasn't put her off - she's currently planning what she'll take in for her morning news talk next Friday.

And this is MY first day at school - almost 37 years ago!
"Can I show you to your seat Madam?"

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